People that follow their instincts: Leda

AimerLaVie presents a new project ‘People that are special’,  hoping to capture the magic of authenticity and beauty in each one’s life. For me the selection of these people is unique; they are unknown heroes amongst reality, warriors of their truth, fighters of life… these people are you, me and everyone else who is searching for a path, a light, an end to the tunnel. Enjoy the journey as the story of each individual unveils.

People that follow their instincts: Leda

It was a while ago when I saw some interesting paintings in a company’s conference room that intrigued me so badly that I wanted to meet the artist behind. I found out from the ladies at the office that the artist was Leda Theofylaktou and she was soon hosting a personal exhibition in Nicosia. I was excited to meet her but needed to go abroad for a business trip and missed her event. I said that I wanted a personal meeting with her in a cool place and invited her for a drink to interview her and see how she is reacting to a stranger’s curiosity.

Leda was a marvelous creature, with a big smile and curiosity in her eyes. She had an interesting historical background, growing in Kuwait for some years, then moving to Cyprus and finally to Athens where she achieved her Bachelor and Masters Degree in Fine Arts. Between Mykonos and Spain, she found inspiration for her art choosing to settle for a while so she could find the peace that was needed for her creations. She was reminiscing moments from a road-trip she had all over Europe, when I asked her what she loves most in life and she simply said ‘Dogs, the sea, Nutella, the intriguing music of Hindi Zahara and Jiu Jitsu.’

From her words and the time we spent together, I could see that she was a loner, trying constantly to find spirituality in everything she does. Her state of mind commands her daily to do whatever it keeps her happy; at night you won’t find her anywhere – she prefers to get lost in her thoughts at home while painting new pieces. She admitted being a control freak, while she believed her greatest accomplishment is that throughout her life she has followed her instincts [ ‘at one point it was exactly what I wanted so no second thoughts were allowed afterwards’ ].


#quotestoliveby: ‘people leave pieces of their soul in their art’

While she loves art, she doesn’t use it as an exit from reality- she can separate it from her emotions [ ‘Through art, I can explore my sub-conscience. I can talk for hours with myself, exploring the depths of my soul, the part of me that is still hidden from the rest of the world.’ ]

Small talks

Zodiac: Taurus

Age: 32 

Song: Anything from Buena Vista

Hidden gem in Nicosia: 9am visit at Famagusta Gate- Dog park

Dreamy Location: Ikaria [ I’m moving there soon ]

Language to learn: Spanish

Advice: Be water, my friend!

Have a look at her dreamy exhibition ‘The Underwater Series’ which was held last May at Hilton Cyprus.

We can’t wait for the next one!

Meanwhile please do meet her, she is an interesting lady to chat with, plus she has some paintings still on sale for you.


Paradise valley19457783_1390531244371798_1226235783_o


Crystal Shades19457522_1390532384371684_1621532286_o


Driven by desire19457706_1390533057704950_510698125_o


Kyoto Koi19451792_1390533371038252_910625285_o


The value of darkness



The fisherman’s dream19478470_1390535914371331_1566466465_o




Rose Lake19478513_1390536894371233_2134462348_o




Between the ripples of a peaceful lake19441263_1390537237704532_1209329967_n


A fish called Dorian19478594_1390538061037783_1568864528_o


Aqua Blues19489651_1390538871037702_1624270709_n


At peace with the dark side19478587_1390539507704305_1380429147_o

*No 7 & No 14 are still available for purchase. Call Leda to arrange a viewing TODAY.

Find LEDA online | FB: Leda Theo | Instagram @ledatheo

TEL: 97804880

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